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Blog Articles – Filtered by Tag

| James Riley |

Welcome to part 2 of our 5 part series! In our last blog, we explored Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and it’s connection to IT. This week, we delve into the first of four layers in our model: the Core Utility of IT.

| James Riley |

I have been “doing” IT for over 30 years, and throughout this journey, I have often felt that the typical IT conversation—centered solely on “making the systems work”—is incomplete. While it is undeniably important for our systems to function properly so we can get our work done, this approach doesn’t capture the full potential of IT. It is like focusing only on the foundation of a building without considering the structure and design that make it truly functional and beautiful.

| James Riley |

As our organization grew, I realized that while I had a clear vision in my mind of why JNR Networks existed, I wasn’t effectively communicating that vision to our team and clients. When we embarked on the journey to define our traditional business “Mission, Vision, and Values,” we encountered challenges. Some of these challenges stemmed from a lack of clarity, while others arose from our struggle to fit our ideas into the conventional structure. We wanted something that felt right, had the impact we desired, and truly embodied our essence.

| James Riley |

At the heart of our design philosophy at JNR Networks is the concept of a Human Network. This idea influences every aspect of our work. While this concept might seem a bit complex at first, let’s break it down.

| James Riley |

There is something truly remarkable about the people and ideas that defy the norm. Time and again, we find that the greatest dreamers, innovators, and inspirations are those who don’t fit into conventional molds. In fact, many individuals who have achieved extraordinary things were often labeled as highly abnormal. This raises an important question: how normal do we really want to be?.