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Why Us?

Aside from the fact that we live out what we believe and care deeply for our clients, a key reason that many clients choose us is because we choose to look at technology differently. We look at technology through the lens of business, and the people within it, as opposed to looking at business through the lens of technology. When we do this, we build solutions for our clients that are, first and foremost, focused on the business and the people within it…technology is subservient to the business and the people, not the other way around. We call this concept human networks…where we are developing systems that interconnect people and, at times, this involves technology. Additionally, we believe that our people, our leadership, our vision and, ultimately, our results are key reasons why you would want to do business with JNR Networks.

Our People

When we look for a team member at JNR Networks, we are picky. While it is likely obvious that we are looking for people with skills and aptitude, we especially take our time to gauge the character of the person that we are interviewing. We do this to ensure that they are the kind of person that we want to work beside and the kind of person that we want servicing our clients. Our team of people are skilled at what they do and they care deeply about doing the right thing and serving our clients with excellence; this combination of skill and ethic results in amazing solutions! In addition to hiring amazing people, we have developed a culture of training and utilize an apprenticeship model. We commonly hire people of solid character that are very junior in their skill-set and work, as a team, to train them. Through this approach, we have been able to find people that may not have normally found their way into the IT consulting world but are amazing at servicing clients with excellence.

Our Leadership

Leadership at JNR Networks goes beyond managing numbers and trying to make a profit. We invest in people (our people and our clients) to meet them where they are at, develop strategic plans for the future and work with them to make amazing things happen. If improvements need to be made, we collaborate to seek out solutions and ways to implement those solutions. For us, true leadership isn’t something you just do at work…it’s an integrated part of your life. A good leader must lead himself or herself well. When a leader is doing this, it’s natural for them to share that with others, regardless of whether or not they have a title that indicates they are a leader.

Our Vision

JNR Networks is focused on doing the right things, for the right reasons, for the right people. We are driven by a desire to fulfill our purpose and believe, in doing that, we will find success in all areas of our lives. The heart of our purpose is about serving people. As a result, we are a customer services organization with specialized knowledge of both IT and Business. This focus gives context and vision to every interaction we have with a client and every service or product we offer. For us, doing the right thing and caring for people is of primary importance while short-term gains are rarely given serious credence.

The Result

Thomas Edison once said that “vision without execution is hallucination.” In the end, great people, leadership and vision aren’t worth much unless they are converted from concepts and words on a page to tangible action that produces results. It is imperative to understand that the words we use to talk about what makes us different and someone you would want to do business with are not just something we came up with to run a business. These concepts are deeply embedded in who we are as people and running a business simply provides a conduit by which we can live them out and impact others. This passion and level of integration between who we are as people and who we are as a business drives us to live these ideals on a daily basis. The result, for you, is that you receive unparalleled service from people that are passionate about serving you with the best that they have to offer. We look forward to working with you and showing you, on a daily basis, how we live our values! If you would like to connect with us to see how we can work together, click HERE.

Our Why

We believe that a businesses’ greatest asset is its people. When people are provided with an inspirational culture and powerful tools, the stage is set for a business to maximize its potential. We believe that technology exists as a tool to empower this to happen.

We believe that the IT industry has failed to serve businesses due to a fundamental disconnect between how IT has been delivered and a businesses’ needs. Either IT has been treated as a commodity or the answer to every problem…either way, it is improperly positioned to fulfill its purpose.

We Do IT Different by working with our clients to build technical solutions, where they make sense, that empower people to maximize a businesses’ potential.

Our Values

We believe that something amazing happens when you have personal and professional integrity while focusing on having a substantial and positive impact…things grow.

We see integrity as two distinct but related things. The first is an assessment of a person’s character in that there is an integration or consistency between what they say and what they do…they are a person of their word. The second is similar but is more related to objects or systems instead of a person. In this, we value objects and systems that do what they say they will do as well as integrate well with other objects and systems.

Integrity is a nice concept but, until it is put into action, it sits on the shelf, collecting dust…it cannot have impact. We believe that we are designed to do more than have great ideas and philosophies. We are designed to put them into action in order that we may have a positive impact on those that we have the honor of working with and serving. As such, all of our work filters through an evaluation of its impact…if it won’t have a positive impact, we set it aside.

We see growth as the natural result of doing the right things for the right people for the right reasons. When we do impactful things, with integrity, growth is a natural result.